Using a Podcast in the Classroom

When I hear the word podcast: I think of talk radio. Living in West Texas, we measure our road trips in hours, not miles or minutes. To fill the time we listen to a podcast in the form of TED talks. If you are like me and are new to the podcast platform, you may want to see if this technology is a useful tool for your classroom. Podcasts are similar to talk radio; podcasts usually feature one or more hosts discussing a subject or selected topic. Podcasts fluctuate in length, also. Some are just five minutes for quick thought-provoking audio. Then other casts can last for hours and take you deep into the information or story. In this week’s reading, I saw how beneficial Podcasts could be to the classroom.

Besides listening while sitting in the car the only other exposure to Podcasts would be our local radio station. They post the replays of all KXOX Sports broadcasted games and make them available to listen to and download for 30 days. I could use this same type of platform for my students. If they were absent or just wanted to hear the lesson it could be accessible to the students. I would give my students the link to the podcast and the student can listen to the lesson or subject at their convenience. Many students are often absent due to extracurricular events this gives them the same lesson that was provided in the classroom.

Podcasts can provide upper-level learning environments that are not always developed in the classroom. If a student wants to dive deeper into a topic, teachers can share podcasts to listen to and provide information so they can gain further knowledge. The podcast is an excellent subject extension to a lesson by providing tools and educational resources. I could see allowing students to create their own podcast to share with the class. It will encourage research and deeper learning into a subject while exploring a useful technology platform.

Podcasting for Teachers

I see the beneficial uses in the classroom but also the next time you need to fill in the time gaps while working out, doing chores (makes laundry more exciting), or driving hours in the car, podcast are a great way to pass the time.


Clark, C. (2021 March 1) Podcasts in Education: What are the benefits? The Podcast Host.

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